Monday, May 30, 2011

Theo Chocolate: T-shirt contest

I just entered into a T-Shirt contest for Theo Chocolate during a recent "pocket of time" in between clients. The winner receives a year's supply of chocolate (Theo equates that to 144 chocolate bars in 4 shipments of 36). The winner will be announced on June 6th, apparently. Here are some designs/alts that I didn't submit.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Branding: My favorite part of the process

I must say, my favorite part of a Branding Process is the "Mood Board" stage. Mood boards communicate the personality and tone of the company by exploring design, color palette, typography and photography (content, style, focus and color). I usually like to create 2/3 directions (budget pending) — these help direct (among others) the Brand's essence, communication and touch points. Here are some I have created.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Iconography & Information Graphics

I recently had a request for Icon Design and Information Graphics. As such, I needed to show a potential client that I have created these types of visual systems. These examples are up on my Flickr site.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Goodbye Starbucks Creative Studio...

This month I have decided to leave the Starbucks Creative Studio, located within the 2 million square foot Starbucks HQ. The people and culture were fantastic and I have fond memories from just a year of exposure to it.

One massive project I was apart of was the 40th Anniversary of the company. As such, there were hundreds of projects to deliver upon. Here are some photos showing several of the pieces my team and I created and obsessed over. There are many others that I will share once I can properly share them.